Easy-to-Use Assessment Solution

Hire the right employees in your organization means lower turnover, higher productivity, and better performances.

For recruiting, you need the "job profile"! The first module of the software is the Profiler, a tool that guides you to convert the Job description in  a job profile that includes of the technical and soft skills competencies.

Your job advertisement will be truly effective.


The companies using Human Soft Skill don’t read the curricula collected from job advertisement, from the careers pages or taken in the web/social. Instead applicants are invited to fill the online forms and meet the online assessment test.

You’ll know the candidate before meeting him.


Human Soft Skill gives the recruiter a list of candidates with the outcome of the assessment of each candidate. The list will be based on the tests taken, comparing the candidate's profile fitting the reference profile.

You decide how many candidates to meet for an interview.


The company carries out the final choice after the personal interviews. Select candidates from the list of the most deserving; use integrated agenda for managing appointments; you will fill the board of the candidate precompiled.

Take on the best talent.

The best platform for personnel recruiting and Employer Branding.

Human Soft Skill is Easy-to-Use. It's fit if you need to make a single selection, but it is an indispensable tool for medium-sized and large companies. It allows you to manage a large database up to date, and is a rich tools to simplify all stages of the selection process. There are no more risks of contacting candidates several times or leave them without appropriate feedback. Applications come already profiled in the database directly from the page "Career" or from the advertisement published. The integrated test catalog allows you to interview candidates with an evaluation profile already complete, also for the soft skills.

Why Human Soft Skill is different from all the other online services?

• Human Soft Skill helps in personnel selection management for HR, but it's specialized in selection. Carried out by professional psychologists, skilled in the evaluation and selection of staff. So you'll get the counseling of an HR expert with the simplicity of a software.

• Human Soft Skill allows profiling of the required position, based on criteria of Hard skills and Soft skills, so you'll know what you're looking for and will be easy to search and select top talents.

• Human Soft Skill is integrated with an online test catalog, you can give language, and technical tests and, above all, aptitude test to evaluates Soft Skills. 


Do you have any test that you want to give to the candidates before meeting them?

You load them in the software and give‘em!. So you will interview only the best candidates.


Companies using Human Soft Skill could save time and money, easily managing hundreds of candidates thanks to the selection module, without having to read all resumes. The selection modules are very quick to fill because they contains hundreds of pre-loaded positions.

Human Soft Skill is not a traditional Internet recruiting services, that only collect PDF’s CVs. For a recruiter, receive from Infojob or Monster a huge quantity of resume reviewed only through selected keywords, forces him to stand for a long analysis and for a waste of time with unfit candidates. Human Soft Skill never asks for PDF curricula, instead ask to fulfill the job profile requirements.

Human Soft Skill contains tools for an easy and efficient selection process, so with it you can:


Define the relevant or essential requirements to the applied position.

The Profiler®: is the tool for profiling the requested professional profile, based on  Hard skills and Soft skills criterias , technical and aptitudinal.

Various steps guide the selector in the definition of the relevant or essential requirements to the sought after profile. Pinpointed the business role through recording the Job description with a list of needed tasks, will be processed the relevant profile for the search.

Chosen from the assessment test online catalog suitable for that selection: language test, a technical test, and, above all, the psychological and attitudinal tests on specific soft skills. 

Place an ads for the research for the best talent:

Human Soft Skill creates job research advertisement from the profile sought automatically, in HTML format with a link to apply. This may be published on its own website or on the most popular research sites. 

Is possible to manage the active search on Linkedin or on other social, engaging the best profiles for applications.

With Human Soft Skill you create your own database with on which you can activate the search on the basis of technical and attitudinal criteria, using a dedicated and innovative search engine.

The database is updated regularly, since the software properly request the candidates to update their professional profile.

Manage the page "work with us" of the company website:

Sections "Work with us" low quality give a negative impression to the candidates. Human Soft Skill linking to your website with a fully customizable design professional, in addition to improving the company's image, you have the ability to archive and catalog its own set of applications as a specific company assets.

It provides a "control panel" can configure the look and feel and content of each page.

Giving constant feedback, to improve employer branding.

For a candidate, there is most frustrating thing of silence following the sending of your CV, shows candidates that the company you care about them! 

Human Soft Skill automatically, or with little effort on the part of the breeder, manages contacts with applicants, informing them on the stage of the selection process in which they are inserted. You can set up automatic notifications for each step of the selection and manage communications directly from the platform process.

Compare candidates automatically with the requirements of the position.

When you receive hundreds of resumes for a job vacancy must be able to skim the nominations quickly. The algorithm for recruiting selects candidates based on the criteria you specified, and you can fully customize, allowing you to handle only the best candidates.

The algorithm proposed list of candidates based on the best match with the requirements, shows for each full professional profile and test results. 

Manage talks in a simple and efficient way

Involve your managers are very busy but they are often best placed to manage the talks, the software simplifies the organization of the talks and only offers motivated staff.

Human Soft Skill simplifies working with the agenda of talks in the integrated database . Each breeder fill his agenda by sending notices of meetings with a single click. The candidate will respond with confirmation or with the move request directly by e-mail. Automatic notifications will inform the breeder of the changes.

With Human Soft Skill interview candidates becomes simple; The interview board is not just a list of standard questions, but contains all the information gathered in the professional profile of the candidate and the results of the evaluation test. The interview form is filled directly into the software during the interview, allowing more responsible in future meetings, help assess the exact skills of the candidate.

Human Soft Skill offers job-seeking staff the tools to manage an active search:

Free entry of your Professional Profile into the database.

Free online technical skills and psycho-fitness tests.

Free refund of a rating report including strengths / weaknesses of your professional profile and attitudinal profile.

Free support for creating an online CV in one or more languages ​​at your choice.

Free news of new job opportunities.

Free news of new companies subscribing to the service.

Caratteristica software: